About me

danny-headshotI guess you could say I’m the naturally curious type. I love diving into the nuts and bolts of an experience challenge and reassembling all the pieces. I like asking “who, what, when, how and why?” I love surprises, too. Which is a good thing since this business – and Life – is full of them.

To create valuable user experiences, you need to know the story first and foremost. That’s why I have learned that being a skillful listener, one who not only absorbs but counters to interesting insights to get deeper to the root of the idea or the problem is imperative. The goal is to see through the customer’s lens and truly be empathetic to their needs and wants. And when we get it right, everyone can recognize it.

Some people might call me a connector. I love connecting people to new digital products and testing features, options, paths, and ideas. Once you start getting user data, you can then really begin to triangulate and build better solutions. That data-driven design method gives designers the ability to deliver more effectively.

I guess you could say I’m all those things, and as a Director of User Experience Design, I consider myself lucky to be apart of this digital ecosystem. Whether you are talking about AI, VR, AR, MR, and IoT devices, etc. its all about creating friendly end-to-end user experiences.

UX philosophy

My motto is pretty simple. Understand your audience!

I can spot the intent of a bogus reason for "why we did what we did" a mile away. The reality is, you can too. There’s a dramatic difference in quality between understanding the user and using your experience to create a solution. Not all products are alike in most cases, and the audiences aren't either. All products should be approached with humility - go in knowing, that you might not know everything about the audience. If you can approach, each project likes it is your first (eyes and ears wide open) you will learn more. Every. Single. Time. And check your biases at the door.

But I do have to confess, my motto does have some flaws. Meaning that you can understand the user backward and forwards, but if you can't substantiate why improving (or having) a better user experience can affect business goals, then your objectives will fall like a wall of bricks. So be prepared to support business needs.

My 5 Truths

Be responsible

Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk. Perform at the highest design capabilities. Think of the outcome. Contribute ideas that are meaningful – and that clearly meet client objectives.

Respect the craft

Not everyone has the gift of design. For those of us blessed with it, there’s a universal responsibility to respect it, to uphold its uniqueness. Get inspired, be inspired, and inspire others.

Play to your strengths

We’re not all good at everything. And we don’t have to be. Tap into what you do best and be the very best at it. Allow others to learn, marvel, and be inspired by all that you uniquely bring.

Rise to the challenge

Be a good listener and collaborator, not a mindless order taker. Hear and respect other people’s ideas, try to understand what’s behind their complaints and criticisms. Be flexible. Don’t work alone. Remember you’re part of a team and that, together, everyone triumphs.

Destroy the ego

Never put yourself above the work. There’s always a better idea out there, a bigger talent, a different way to skin the cat. Do your best. Learn from your mistakes. Get over the fear of failure.

What I know best

As a Director of User Experience Design, I hold two core responsibilities – client partner and UX team lead. That means I manage projects through all stages of development, starting with the vision, and then moving through ideation, direction, production, and, ultimately, ensuring the overall user quality of the final product.

As a UX team lead, I mentor, guide, and support squads, including Planning, Design, Testing, and Development. I also balance varying (and sometimes competing) internal and external stakeholder expectations.

Based on all that, what I do best can be summed up in two words: I nurture. I nurture resources, talent, and relationships. Projects and plans. New business and new ideas.

Additional capabilities

  • Additional capabilities
  • Team leadership
  • Project ideation
  • UX research
  • Prototype production
  • Conduct workshops
  • Personnel management
  • UI design direction
  • Client management

Where and who I've worked with

For the past 16 years, I've worked on focusing on user experience design across a wide variety of digital projects and platforms. My POV is unique given that I’ve done this in various capacities, including: director of UX, agency creative director, client-side CD, and business owner and consultant. This view from all sides of the table allows me to bring an innovative approach to problem-solving, a high degree of agility, and more than my fair share of empathy to any project I work on.

Companies who’ve employed me
Brands I have worked with (to name a few)